Celebrating 1917

1917 conference image

Saturday 4 November 2017 • Central London • 10:30am-5:30pm

A one-day conference to debate and discuss the legacy of 1917 on the hundredth anniversary of the Russian Revolution.




Why Celebrate 1917?

  • Dave Sherry, author of Russia 1917: Workers' Revolution and Festival of the Oppressed
  • John Molyneux, author of Lenin for Today
  • Sally Campbell, editor of Socialist Review


The Bolsheviks and 1917

  • Kevin Corr & Gareth Jenkins, contributors to International Socialism


Culture and Revolution

  • Cathy Porter, author of Alexandra Kollontai: A Biography
  • Roger Huddle, editor of Reminiscences of RAR


The Festival of the Oppressed

  • Judith Orr, author of Marxism and Women's Liberation


How the Revolution was Lost

  • Esme Choonara, author of A Rebel's Guide to Trotsky


The Revolution and its Relevance Today

  • Steve Smith, author of Russia in Revolution
  • Alex Callinicos, author of Imperialism and Global Political Economy
  • Amy Leather, national secretary of the SWP


Tickets are £10/£5 concessions.

To book your place at this conference, fill in the form below, or phone 020 7840 5600.


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